What our clients say

We’ve helped hundreds of clients take control of their health and feel their best, but don’t just take our word for it…

“Life-changing isn’t an exaggeration”

— Declan, 30

“Life-changing isn’t an exaggeration. After my IBD diagnosis I had consistent inflammation and was told to expect a lifetime of medication and a very high chance of surgery. That all changed after meeting Flora - within weeks I finally understood what was causing the inflammation, and through supplements and changes to my diet how to control it. I’ve now been in remission for coming up to two years and I couldn’t be more grateful”

“I’m feeling so much brighter and back to my pre-baby self”

— Fran, 31

“My PMS is now non-existent to the point that my period took me by surprise and has reduced in length by two days. Brain fog is completely gone and my skin is so much improved… I could kiss you. I’m feeling so much brighter and back to my pre-baby self”

“Honestly I could cry from relief for her and me. Incredible”

— Emma - mum of Jess, 8

“I am very grateful for your knowledge and help, the transformation has been amazing. Jess told me yesterday that those awful scary nightmares have gone. She’s so much happier, and that crippling anxiety has subsided AND she’s sleeping through - honestly I could cry from relief for her and me. Incredible”

“It’s been an absolute game-changer and I’m so grateful”

— Bea, 46

“Right from the start, I felt we were in safe hands. When we got the test results back and discussed them with Flora, finally the difficulties my daughter had been facing made sense. Flora worked patiently and attentively with us and 9 months later we have seen enormous change - tummy ahces gone, more energy, social anxiety cleared away. It’s been an absolute game-changer and I’m so grateful”

“I have you to thank for getting me my life back”

— Harriet, 58

“Thank you ever so much once again. It is all just too remarkable for words! I had been suffering with that debilitating fatigue and brain fog for years. And to feel weight coming off my waistline which I have battled with for so long is a real bonus - without even trying! I really have you to thank for getting me my life back! X”

“It’s completely changed everything for the family”

— Jim - father of Lyra, 12

“We have seen such clear improvements. She is eating well, sleeping well and looking well. The anxiety and OCD have eased, and she has been able to go back to school which is fantastic. She even won gold in her gymnastics competition. This is incredible progress from the girl who, in September wasn’t able to attend school, or even have us go out without her. You’ve really worked wonders with Katie, and it’s completely changed everything for the family. Now let’s see if you can work your magic on me…”

“Without doubt my son experiences genuine joy more than ever before”

— Sarah, 43 - mum of Harvey, 6

“I have worked with Flora for over a year and felt fully supported from Day 1. She has listened carefully and with great empathy to my symptoms & lifestyle to offer solutions that are practicable and most importantly work! We have also consulted with Flora over our children’s health, seeing huge improvements in spectrum-type behaviours. Without doubt my son experiences genuine joy more than every before. I’ll continue to recommend Flora to anyone committed to improving their health and wellbeing”


— Pip, 34

“I’ve had problems with severe eczema for nearly 15 years. I had tried absolutely everything. I honestly now can’t believe how much better it is after following the protocol Flora put together for me - magic”

“This has been a turning point for me”

— Trish, 54

“This has been a turning point for me. I never thought I would be able to see the back of my lifelong gut issues. I’ve also seen a shift in my energy and concentration as a result. Thank you so much - I’ve already recommended you to friends”

“I’ve literally been like a different person”

— Laura, 30

“My bloat is SO much better, and as a result of fixing my constipation, my PMS has also been so so much better. I’ve literally been like a different person. The bloat is just such a relief, I can’t even tell you. Even more than the improvement in constipation, it was just so painful and affecting my self-confidence - now I can wear more than just loose dresses. Thank you, I’ll literally take and do what you tell me now”